
A Spiritual Autobiography

My name is Jane Starwood. My spiritual autobiography, Memoirs of a Prodigal Daughter, which is published on this website for free, is the story of how and why I left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 19 and returned at age 74, fully re-committed to serving the Lord and his people.

Like many Saints, I had doubts about the Church. I know I could have weathered them if I’d nourished my testimony, but instead, I let my testimony wither away until I was fully immersed in that “great and spacious building” that represents the world, and there I stayed for 55 years.

I wrote this book for people like myself, who let their doubts pull them into the world and are wondering if there’s a way back, even through their continuing doubts. It’s also for Latter-day Saints whose loved ones have left the Church, or whose own testimony is wavering.

I testify that there is a way back, even if you still have doubts, and that you and your loved ones might find the way, even after half a century. You can come home.

Follow this link to begin reading Memoirs of a Prodigal Daughter.

See sidebar (or below) for links to purchase Memoirs of a Prodigal Daughter and Faith & Doubt: Poems for Troubled Times in paperback or ebook format. Any profits from sales will first be tithed. The rest will be used to support giving away print books locally, Church missionary efforts, the building of temples, and international humanitarian causes supported by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. None will go into my pocket. This is a labor of love and service, not profit.

To get in touch with me, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of his page.

Faith & Doubt

Doubt is easy.
Just follow the path
Of least resistance
Into the world.
It runs downhill,
Coasting all the way
To the bottom.

Faith is the harder path.
Mortal eyes cannot see
Where it leads.
It is an uphill climb,
Step by stumbling step
Toward an invisible goal.

Whichever path you choose,
Ask yourself this question:
Where will I be
When I arrive?